Revolutionary Conservative Caucus

The Revolutionary Conservative Caucus was a small, hard-right pressure group which attempted to introduce a new radicalism into British conservatism.[1]

It was founded in late 1993 by Stuart Millson, an officer of the Western Goals Institute, and Jonathan Bowden; members included Mark Cotterill and Steve Brady formerly of the National Front, Gregory Lauder-Frost also of the Western Goals Institute[2] and Derek Turner.

It met limited success in its short existence of under three years, lacking a substantive membership base, although one rumour had them taking over a ward committee of the Conservative Party before being proscribed by Conservative Central Office. Although disbanded after Millson and Bowden parted company, it "managed to redraw a right-wing nationalist agenda" and played a crucial part towards introducing philosophical discussion into far-right politics in Britain and was an influence on the establishment of the magazine Right Now![3] which was edited by Derek Turner.

In its lifetime, the Revolutionary Conservative Caucus published policy papers as well as a magazine entitled The Revolutionary Conservative. Issue number 1 gave a very full description of the RCC's ideals, which included "a totalitarian onslaught of mind-numbing extremity against Political Correctness". Issue number 4 (Summer-Autumn 1994) had two major treatises on "Ethnic Cleansing in Britain", and "The Case for Right-Wing European Union".


  1. ^ Searchlight July 1998
  2. ^ Peter Barberis, John McHugh, Mike Tyldesley Encyclopedia of British and Irish Political Organizations Continuum International Publishing Group (2005) p. 193.
  3. ^ Searchlight July 1998